Monday, April 7, 2014

Transparency Project

Drawing a transparent thing is hard to do, so a big project only focusing on that is a bit scary. I wasn't too worried though, since I had practiced so much with drawing transparent items. I chose to draw out a close up of crystals in chalk pastels, which is my favorite medium since they are my favorite to use, even though they can be difficult, I felt like pastels would show a lot of high lights in my crystals and give them beautiful bright colors... this all sort of came through. Pastels are difficult when it comes to really fine lines, which sort of shows in my final piece. Even though it is not my best work when it comes to pastels, because it faded so much over the course of working on it, I am glad I did it anyways, this was such good practice using pastels!
Point of View Project

This project required us to choose something to draw that is in a point of perspective; I chose to draw a cottage in the woods in two point perspective. This project was very time consuming but also very fun, since I love creating houses and I love creating landscapes. This project was to show how well we could draw something in perspective after all the practice we were put through. This project was very time consuming because of the medium I used, prisma colors and pencil, both take forever when it comes to drawing out a huge picture/
Candy Drawings

This was my first attempt at drawing a piece of candy wrapped in plastic, I was feeling doubtful in myself at first but then I realized it was better to just draw what I saw, then it became a lot easier. This first required drawing was to give the class a chance to get the feel of drawing more transparent items. We used pencil first because it is an easier medium to use and good choice for the first try.

This was the second required candy drawing, except it's in color. Since I had already gave candy drawing a try, I was feeling confident and just excited to use colors. This gave us practice drawing a transparent item in color.

This was just practice I gave myself, I tried to use a different type of candy and chalk pastels as a medium. It was good practice and I think it turned out well. I felt like I needed all the practice I could get before I started my Transparency Project.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Bottle Drawing

To focus more on practicing with transparency we were required to draw different types of bottles in different ways such as in pencil and in prisma colored pencil. The bottles were practice and gave us room to improve our skills when drawing something transparent. I never really struggled with this since I'm already so precise of a drawer. For the bottle drawing shown I used drawing pencils, to add movement and value I really focused on my use of lights and darks. This project allowed me to get the feel of drawing transparent things.